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Association History



 The Virginia Pumpkin Growers Association has its roots embedded in an original meeting, about the future of growing and marketing Pumpkins to the eastern markets, that was held in Hillsville, Virginia in the mid to late 90’s. The meeting was sponsored by The Southwest Virginia Farmers’ Market, the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service.

Kevin Semones, Southwest Virginia Farmers’ Market Manager, has been a driving force behind working with local farmers about varieties, market capacity and seed sources.  He currently serves as Secretary/Treasurer and Registered Agent to the Association

Danny Neel, Retired Market Development Manager with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, has continually searched for new markets for the pumpkin crop and was involved since the initial start..

Gary Larrowe, (former County Administrator for Carroll County), (Former Local Extension Agent at the conception of the Virginia Pumpkin Growers Association) helped with the formation of the Association and cast a vision of the region becoming a major power player in the Pumpkin Market.

The Virginia Pumpkin Growers Association has grown to several thousands of acres of production since its initial beginnings.  The future looks bright for the pumpkin producers.


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