2025 Annual Meeting

The Virginia Pumpkin Growers Association will hold its annual meeting on Saturday, January 25, 2025, at the Crossroads Institute in Galax, Virginia.

Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. Members and anyone wanting to become a member will be required to pay their annual dues for 2025 ($50.00 per farm) on the day of the annual meeting or before. A receipt for payment will be provided. Please provide any changes to your address, phone number, or email address so that you will continue to receive future notices.

In case of inclement weather please check our Facebook page – www.facebook.com/VAPumpkinGrowersAssociation for any cancellation notices.

Virginia and North Carolina private pesticide applicator credits will be available.

Immediately following the close of the annual meeting, the Association members will hold a business meeting to select new board members and discuss other Association business. Reminder – the business meeting will be for members only.

Please RSVP by Friday, January 10, 2025, with the number attending to Ashley Edwards, aledwards@vt.edu, 276-733-8738. We will need a head count for the caterer.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call Ashley Edwards, 276-733-8738, or Kevin Semones at 276-733-1663.

Directions to The Crossroads Institute – 1117 E. Stuart Drive, Galax, VA 24333
